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To contact WHA, please call the main office at 304-242-4447, ext. 1000. You may request an application or additional information; our receptionist will be happy to provide information or direct you to staff members. Applications may also be picked up at any of our sites, click here for addresses and phone numbers. The application is also on this site under the FORMS tab.

Residents who wish to put in a work order for items that need addressed MUST call the site office. The phone numbers are listed on the Properties Page. Using this format to report issues is not recommended due to a potential delay in response time.

Potential Vendors need to send information to the physical address listed below. Please do not submit company advertisements to the online contact form. The online inquiry section is specifically for our current and/or future residents. You may also contact the Main Office phone number and our receptionist will be happy to transfer you to the proper staff member. Solicitations through the contact form will not be answered.

11 Community Street, P.O. Box 2089
Wheeling, WV 26003

(304) 242-4447  (Phone)
(304) 242-4495  (Fax)

Online Contact Form



We are an Equal Opportunity Housing Provider. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability. Learn More.